Coldwell Banker Crown Realtors - Blog

6 Landscaping Trends That Can Help Increase the Value of Your Home

Sure, location is important, but the three Ls in real estate are landscaping, landscaping, and landscaping.
Posted by Heather Shreve on April 05, 2022 in  Going Green  Home Decor  Home Improvement
Sure, location is important, but the three Ls in real estate are landscaping, landscaping, and landscaping.Whether you’re thinking about putting your home on the market or just want to be prepared, you’re looking for the best possible price. A clean, fresh place with a comfortable vibe, both inside and out, draws prospective buyers. And since the first thing to catch their eye is your landscaping, that’s the place to start. Landscaping focuses on the lawn, trees, and plants in your yard, but ... read more
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